Friday, December 14, 2007

How To Overcome Jitters

Trust me my friend, everyone who ever performed for the first time gets the butterfly. Well to be honest even seasoned performers get the jitters at times before stepping onto the stage. Unlike bands, solo performers have the most pressure backstage, here are some of my methods to keep calm and stay focused before any show.
Go to the your room 5-10 minutes before your turn on stage. If you are a vocalist you tend to consume a lot of water just to clear the throat. This is understandable, but too much fluid in the system is not a good idea if you are about to go on stage. Just be sure that you consumed just enough water to smoothen the vocal chords.
Once you're in front of the mike, take 5-10 seconds to take a look at the crowd. Now the purpose of doing this is to warm up the crowd, and to ease yourself and the crowd into your first song or the first poem that you’re going to recite.
Take a step at a time. Perform at a smaller gigs first, preferably at open mikes, since the settings of an open mike gig is more intimate, and the crowd is more laid back and forgiving and gradually to a larger crowd, for this will build your confidence when you confront with a hard to impress audiences.
Be sure to rehearse because, practice makes perfect. Naturally when you are too nervous, you tend to blank out, as a result you will forget your lyrics, you can't recall your verses or your words muffled. But if you practice, the show will go on smoothly, even there's a tinged of nervousness in your body movement.
Don't forget to have fun; whenever you are in your elements the performance will be a second nature to you. Nervousness comes from uncertainty. To you the performer is a matter of uncertainty of whether you will win the crowd over or not, but if you're worrying too much then you will take the pleasure out of your performance, so don't stress yourself, just take a deep breath and just let loose and have yourself a blast.

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